Terms & Conditions

Owner: Gary Dougan of 10 Thursby Road, Woking, Surrey, GU21 3NZ

Property: The house and garden at:

Anneth Lowen
PL32 9ST

together with the fixtures, furniture and effects specified in the inventory agreed by the parties (“Inventory”)

1.1 The Owner lets and the Guest takes the Property for the Rental Period at the Rent.
1.2 The Guest is the lead-named person who completes the Booking form (who must be at least 18 years old at the time of booking) and all persons on whose behalf the Guest makes a booking.
1.3 The Property is let as holiday accommodation within paragraph 9 of Schedule 1 to the Housing Act 1988. Accordingly, the tenancy granted by this Agreement is not an assured shorthold tenancy and the Guest has no security of tenure.

2.1 Any obligation on the Guest in this Agreement not to do an act or thing includes an obligation not to permit or suffer another person to do such act or thing.
2.2 Whenever there is more than one person comprising the Owner or the Guest their obligations may be enforced against all of them jointly and against each of them individually.
2.3 The Guest is responsible for the supervision of all members of the party under the age of 18 at all times.
2.4 The Owner and Guest do not intend that this Agreement should be enforceable by any person solely by virtue of the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999.

3.1 The Guest must pay the Deposit to the Owner or the Owner’s agent on the acceptance of this Agreement.
3.2 After receiving the Booking Deposit, the Owner will send the confirmation invoice to the Guest by post or email.
3.3 The Guest must pay the balance of the Rent due to the Owner at least 60 days before the Start Date or the full amount if there are fewer than 60 days before the Start Date by any payment method available on the booking form.
3.4 The Guest undertakes and agrees that the Owner may decline the Booking for any reason and the Owner does not have to give to Guest the reason. If that happens the Owner will return the Booking Deposit money to the Guest immediately and in any event within 14 days.

4.1 If required, the Guest must pay the Security Deposit to the Owner no later than the date on which the balance of the Rent is to be paid.
4.2 The Security Deposit will be held by the Owner and applied against the cost of remedying any damage to the Property caused by the Guest.
4.3 The Security Deposit will be returned to the Guest not more than 14 days after the End Date less any deductions made for the cost of remedying any damage.

5.1 It is advised to consider taking out comprehensive travel insurance to cover cancellations.
5.2 If the Guest decides to terminate this Agreement (i.e. cancels the booking), it must be notified in writing and once received the Owner will confirm the cancellation in writing.
5.3 If the Guest terminates this Agreement more than 60 days before the Start Date the Owner shall be entitled to retain a £25 administration fee but the Owner will refund all other sums paid by the Guest.
5.4 If the Guest terminates this Agreement by giving fewer than 60 days notice the following provisions will apply:
5.4.1 If the period booked cannot be re-let, the Guest remains responsible for the full amount agreed;
5.4.2 If the period booked is re-let at the same or a higher rate, the Owner retains a £25 administration fee and will refund all other sums paid by the Guest;
5.4.3 If the period booked is re-let at a lower rate, the Owner retains the difference in price plus a £25 administration fee and will refund all other sums paid by the Guest;
5.4.4 If the reason for cancellation is due to an uncontrollable event affecting the Guest the Owner may offer more favourable terms at his discretion.
5.5 If the booking is cancelled due to circumstances beyond the Owner’s control, notification will be given of the cancellation as soon as possible and all payments will be refunded promptly. The Owner’s liability for cancellation will be limited to payments made by the Guest.
5.6 In the event of government restrictions restricting use of the property or the Guest’s ability to travel a full refund will be made.
5.7 If the Guest has not paid the agreed Rent and Security Deposit by the date specified in Clause 3.2 the Guest will be deemed to have terminated the Agreement under Clause 5.3.

6.1 Any personal data collected during the course of booking is stored securely on computer for booking management, accounting and regulatory purposes. It is retained for the minimum period required. If the Guest gives consent, the Owner may make contact occasionally about promotions and offers. Personal data is not shared with third parties.
6.2 CCTV equipment is used for security and monitoring purposes when the property is unoccupied. During Guest occupation equipment to the front of the property is active for the purposes of acting as a motion sensor for outside lighting and monitoring the front entrance and oil tank for security. In the event of any concerns, the Owner will modify this arrangement on request.

7.1 The Guest agrees with the Owner:
7.1.1 To observe the House rules provided with booking documentation.
7.1.2 To use the Property as a private holiday residence for the people listed on the Booking confirmation only. If the Guest wishes to invite additional visitors to visit during the stay, please seek permission. No extra overnight visitors are allowed to stay at the property
7.1.3 To use the Property in a reasonable and careful manner and not allow it to deteriorate and to keep the Property clean and tidy at all times. The Owner reserves the right to make a charge to cover additional cleaning costs if the Guest leaves the property in an unacceptable condition.
7.1.4 To make good all damage caused to the Property (including the Owner’s fixtures and fittings) or to any other property owned by the Owner through:
a) any breach of the obligations set out in this Agreement;
b) any improper use by or negligence of the Guest or any person at the Property with the Owner’s permission.
7.1.5 To keep the items specified in the Inventory clean and in the same condition as at the commencement of the Rental Period (fair wear and tear and damage by insured risks only excepted) and to make good or replace with articles of the same sort and equal value such as may be lost broken or destroyed (or at the option of the Owner to pay compensation to the Owner).
7.1.6 Not dispose of “wet wipes”, disposable nappies or other items of personal hygiene down the lavatory.
7.1.7 Not to block or otherwise damage the taps, baths, wash basins, WCs, cisterns or pipes within or exclusively serving the Property.
7.1.8 To only use the Internet service for lawful purposes and in accordance with the service provider’s terms and conditions. The Guest agrees to indemnity the Owner in the event of any breach. In the event of any issues with the service, the Owner will endeavour to assist but cannot guarantee resolution.
7.1.9 Not to use the electrical supply for charging an electric vehicle. You are liable for any damage or loss caused by the unauthorised use of charging equipment.
7.1.10 Not change or install any locks on any doors or windows nor have additional keys made for any locks without the prior written consent of the Owner.
7.1.11 To keep the Property heated to a reasonable level during the winter months to prevent damage to the Property or the water pipes, drains, tanks and other plumbing apparatus by cold weather.
7.1.12 To report to the Owner any damage, destruction, loss, defect or disrepair affecting the Property as soon as it comes to the attention of the Guest.
7.1.13 To place all refuse in the receptacle(s) provided for the Property by the Owner or any other competent authority.
7.1.14 To allow the Owner and/or their agent or anyone with the Owner’s written authority together with any workmen and necessary appliances to enter the Property at reasonable times of the day to inspect its condition and state of repair and to carry out any necessary repairs provided the Owner has given reasonable notice (with regard to the work to be undertaken) beforehand and not to interfere with or obstruct any such persons.
7.1.15 In cases of emergency to allow the Owner or anyone with the Owner’s authority to enter the Property at any time and without notice.
7.1.16 Not to do anything on the Property which may be a nuisance to or cause damage or annoyance to the Owner or the Guests or occupiers of any adjoining property.
7.1.17 Not to play any musical instrument or other device which can be heard outside the Property after 11pm or before 8am.
7.1.18 Not to use the Property for any illegal or immoral purposes.
7.1.19 Not to use the Property in a way which contravenes a restriction affecting the Owner’s freehold (or superior leasehold) title which the Owner has brought to the Guest’s attention.
7.1.20 Not to cause or permit any dangerous or inflammable substance to collect in or on the Property apart from those needed for general domestic use.
7.1.21 Not to bring into the Property any soft furnishings, fixtures and fittings and effects which do not comply with fire safety laws and regulations.
7.1.22 Not to bring into the Property any electrical kitchen appliances.
7.1.23 Not to use any deep fat frying equipment.
7.1.24 Not to misuse or tamper with any fire prevention and fire control equipment (or other health and safety equipment) provided at or in the Property.
7.1.25 Not to obstruct any fire escape or prop open or otherwise tamper with the fire doors (if any) within or at the Property.
7.1.26 Not to display any notice or advertisement that is visible from outside the Property.
7.1.27 Not to keep on the Property any animal or pet without first obtaining the Owner’s written consent and subject to any conditions imposed by the Owner.
7.1.28 Not to smoke or vape indoors at the Property.
7.1.29 To comply with any planning conditions affecting the Property which the Owner has brought to the Guest’s attention.
7.1.30 Not to assign or sublet the Property or any part of the Property and not to part with possession or share occupation of the Property or any part of it.
7.1.31 Not to permit any person to occupy the Property as a lodger.
7.1.32 Not to use the services of a third-party supplier without prior agreement. The Owner does not accept liability for the activities of these third-party suppliers.
7.1.33 Not to alter, add to or interfere with the appearance, structure, exterior or interior of the Property or the arrangement of the fixtures, furniture and effects belonging to the Owner.
7.1.34 At the end of the Rental Period to remove the Guests belongings from the Property and leave the Property clean and tidy so that the Property is ready to prepare for any following Guests.
7.1.35 At the end of the Rental Period immediately return all the keys of the Property to the Owner or comply with such arrangements for the return of the keys as the Owner reasonably suggests before the commencement of the letting.

8.1 The Owner will maintain whatever insurance he wishes against any risk relating to the Property. He will not insure anything owned by the Guest.
8.2 On-site parking is provided at the Guest’s own risk.
8.3 The Guest will not do, nor allow anyone else to do, anything that could adversely affect the Owner’s insurance of the Property.
8.4 If the Guest does anything that prejudices the Owner’s insurance, he will be liable to the Owner for any resulting loss.

If there has been a substantial breach of any of the Guest’s obligations in this Agreement the Owner may forfeit the tenancy (i.e. bring it to an end) and recover possession of the Property. The other rights and remedies of the Owner will remain in force.

10.1 The Owner agrees with the Guest:
10.1.1 That the Guest may quietly possess and enjoy the Property during the Rental Period without any interruption from the Owner or any person claiming under or in trust for the Owner.
10.1.2 To provide those items set out in the Booking confirmation and House rules at the Property.

11.1 Under section 48 of the Landlord and Tenant Act 1987 the Guest is hereby notified that notices (including notices in proceedings) must be served on the Owner by the Guest at the following address:

10 Thursby Road
GU21 3NZ

11.2 The Owner must serve any notice on the Guest at the Property.

This Agreement shall be governed by the law of England and Wales.

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  • 5 Star reviews
  • Private, peaceful location
  • Large, Secure garden
  • Dog friendly
  • Single storey
Guest Comments

Recommended? Definitely Enjoyed our stay at Anneth Lowen. The cottage has everything you need and is beautifully clean all through. Our Dog loved the garden to play in with his ball. The area is ver ...

Deborah Wolfenden
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